A Smart House System

The smart house facilitates and makes housing more comfortable
Умный дом

Neither real-estate sellers nor consumers nor even technicians have a clear understanding of what a smart home is. The same rhetorians are often referred to as " smart " apartments with a quality slide system or expensive multimedia equipment.

In fact, the notion of a smart home presupposes the automatic management of life-support systems. The concept of " smart house " is therefore divided into several elements. First, it is an efficient consumption of resources: energy conservation, water conservation. Second, security management: video surveillance, alarm, " soft button " , access control system, floor, etc. Thirdly, " technical " security: water flow sensors, short circuit protection, in other words, automatic control of all engineering systems and electrical appliances.

Fourth elementintelligent home" - increased comfort, i.e. automation of actions that a person usually does on his own, from automatic light switching to spiritual and dishwasher control from the other end of the city through smartphones and tablets. Frequently, such systems not only report to user teams, but also monitor the maintenance of specified parameters.

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