Smart Systems

13 billion euros by 2030, a figure that will save roses

The demand for electricity increases by 3 per cent each year, while its efficient expenditure increases by only 1.5 per cent. To date, coverage accounts for about 19 per cent of world electricity consumption. Experts estimate that, as the population continues to grow, the trend towards urbanization and the increase in the middle class, the need will rise from year to year. By 2030, the number of lighting points worldwide will increase by 35 per cent and in Russia the number will be 3.5 billion. In order to provide comfort in living conditions and reduce the negative impact on the environment, more energy-efficient lights, combined into integrated, will need to be more than just light than light. smart systems lighting, which will offer new opportunities in a wide range of areas, from interior design to integrated equipment of large industrial enterprises. Philips Lighting estimates that an increase in the number of energy-efficient LED solutions up to only 3 per cent per year will not only contribute to sustainable development, but also reduce annual electricity costs by $2,500 billion by 2030. For the population, the transition to green solutions means the creation of more than 6Read More. ♪ ♪

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